Sunday, January 2, 2011

How do I start my first day of 2011

1.1.11 pada aku same je mcm hari2 biase yg's just another day...

Tp aku akan ingat tarikh ni smpai bile2 sbbnye 1.1.11 menyaksikan 'stretch mark' yg mule menampakkan dirinye pada, baru je ade...sestgh org 5-6 bulan pregnnt da ade stretchmark, aku lak smpai 7 bln still xde, tibe2 tup2 timbul lak time da 8 bln lbey ni...ok x perlu panik krn aku tau penyelesaiannye ade di farmasi2 berdekatan - BIO OIL 

Mari kembali kpd topik asal : How do I start my first day of 2011...? berehat2 saje di rumah sambil melayan movie2 spt : 3 Idiots (2009)Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) & Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

3 Idiots is a must watch movie...rating 8.3/10 kat (based on votes & review)...this movie is really inspiring, funny & aku sgt suke dgn Rancho's (aamir khan) approach towards knowledge.. very logical + very of my faveret dialog :

Machine Class Professor: Why are you back?
Rancho: Sir, I forgot to take something...
Machine Class Professor: What?
Rancho: Instruments that record analyse summarize organize debate and explain information which are illustrative non-illustrative hardbound paperback jacketed non-jacketed with forward introduction, table of contents, index that are indented for the enlightenment, understanding enrichment enhancement and education of the human brain through sensory root of vision... sometimes leisure
Machine Class Professor: [confused] What are you trying to say?
Rancho: Books sir! I forgot to take my books. 

So once again i must say this is a MUST WATCH MOVIE ! For more information about this movie click here  ..Cter Star Wars nnt2 le aku review...kasi habes dulu lg 3 episod : 
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)


  1. kakak!...
    me duk layan Detective Conan dr episod 1 smpai ratus2... ade rasa juling gak mato den nih...haha

  2. ni knp celebrate new yr tgk detective conan ni? kne cpt2 carik ehem2 nih...ahahahah

  3. ha2... malas ar kak...
    pening kepala ar benda2 pelik cmtu....
    biar dtg sendiri je... :(

  4. ily..aku tak sengaja lyn cite 3 idiots tu masa lepak kat umah mak sedara aku..(umah aku xde astro)..aku sangat sangat sangat suka cite tu. spt biasa cite2 hindustan musti selitkan elemen cinta, tp cite tu secara keseluruhannya bg satu pengajaran yg lebih utama berkenaan apa yg ptutnya kita pilih dan mahu jadi dlm hidup..sgt inspiring utk ibu2 mcm kita ni..aku hrp smpai ke tua aku igt cite tu supaya aku tak 'ter'memaksa anak2 aku jd apa yg aku mahu, tp sebaliknya galakkan apa sj yg dorg minat asalkan masih dlm landasan yg dibenarkan oleh agama..huhu..

  5. kalo x silap aku, cter tu satu2nye cter industan yg dpt rating kat tau...means bkn org india+kita2 jek yg lyn cter tu..industan skang da maju..ha ha..sbenanye sgt inspiring utk sume org yg dtg skola/U then bsungguh blaja teori tp haram x tau camne nak apply kat dunia sbenar.. (aku le antara orgnye tu..ahaks~)
